Monday, June 15, 2009

Green tea with gensing and honey (mock of Arizona tea)

I LOVE Arizona tea with gensing and honey - Tried it- not even close :( see notes below.

* 4 Qt. Water
* 2 Lipton Green Tea Bags (Regular Size) (Yes only two)
* 1 Cup Sugar
* 4 Tbsp Honey
* 6 Tbsp Lemon Juice
* 1/4 Tsp Gensing Extract
(can find at local health food source)


1. Boil 1 qt water
2. Steep Green Tea bags for 1 Hour (YES 1 hour)
3. After your hour is up add
the rest of the ingredients and stir
4. Serve chilled.
5. Save much dollars!

My Notes: This is NOT ANYTHING LIKE ARIZONA'S GREEN TEA W/ HONEY+GENSING!! I drink the stuff religiously and it's not anywhere near it. Too much lemon.
I may try it again and maybe be bold and go with 4 tea bags and only 3 tbs lemon- then add more lemon to taste if necessary... maybe then we'll get closer.
Was really hoping to save money too....sigh.